2017 Election

blue wave Virginia 2017

In 2017 over 2000 resisters participated in our “100 Postcards Challenge” where we mailed 137,000 postcards to voters in Virginia. We made a difference in the election and started the blue wave that spread across the nation in 2018. We supported candidates up and down the state. And in those districts that didn’t flip blue, we helped plant blue seeds that will continue to grow.

Candidates Supported

Postcards Mailed

candidates won

ABOUT:  Postcards4VA is a grassroots initiative to flip Virginia blue by writing postcards to friends, neighbors, and voters throughout the state asking them to vote. In 2017 we wrote 137,000 postcards to Virginia voters. In 2018 we exceeded 332,000 postcards. Now in 2019 we’re ready to flip the statehouse blue by reaching out to voters with our handwritten postcards up and down the state. We write. We Vote. We WIN!

CONTACT: participate@postcards4VA.com


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