
2021 Campaign

2021 Postcards Mailed


We are thrilled to announce that in 2021 we are mailing 320,000 postcards to Virginia voters!

This is more than the 137,000 postcards we mailed in the 2017 off-year election. This is more than the 253,000 postcards we did in the 2019 off-off-year election when we flipped Virginia Blue. And this amount is almost as many (332,000) as we wrote during the BIG 2018 midterm elections. We may be tired from working nonstop since 2017, but we still know how to deliver. In fact, we think postcard writer Ellen from Lynchburg sums it up nicely:

While my hand is tired, my heart is happy with the knowledge that I am directly reaching individual voters with a message of empowerment. 

Thank you awesome, tireless, dedicated volunteers for another successful postcard campaign!  We Write. We Vote. We Win!

Our 2021 Postcards4VA Candidates

ABOUT:  Postcards4VA is a grassroots initiative to flip Virginia blue by writing postcards to friends, neighbors, and voters throughout the state asking them to vote. In 2017 we wrote 137,000 postcards to Virginia voters. In 2018 we exceeded 332,000 postcards. In 2019 we wrote 253,000 postcards and helped flip Virginia blue by taking back the majority in the both houses. And in 2020 we wrote almost a half million postcards. We write. We Vote. We WIN!