
Design Contest

Postcards4VA is teaming up with our good friends at the Virginia Women’s Summit for Political Engagement to run a postcard design contest.

We are looking for the next great postcard voters will put on their fridge!

We want positive, eye catching, ear ringing designs that will get voters to the polls in 2019 and finally flip Virginia Blue.  

Winners will receive free admission to the Women’s Summit, statewide recognition, and special prizes!

The winning designs will be showcased at the Women’s Summit and will be available for purchase online. Proceeds from the sale of the cards will support the grassroots effort to flip VA blue in 2019.

We want everyone to get involved: artists and non-artists alike. 

Here’s what you need to know about creating and submitting your design.


Layout Options

  • You can have the design take up the entire front or just half of the front leaving the rest of the space for the address and postage leaving the entire back blank for handwriting the message.

Postcard Design Specifications

  • Horizontal or vertical designs accepted.
  • 300 dpi
  • Document Trim Size: 6.00″ x 4.00″; 152 x 102 mm; 1800 x 1200 pixels.
  • Full Bleed Size: 6.12″ x 4.12″; 155 x 105 mm; 1835 x 1235 pixels. NOTE: Please contact us if your design has a bleed)
  • Please insert the following disclaimer text on the front of the postcard. The font must be 7 pt or larger. 
    Paid for by _____________________.
    Not authorized by a campaign.

Contest Rules

  • You can enter as many designs as you want.
  • There may be more than one winner.
  • The winning design/s will become the property of the Women’s Summit.
  • All winners will receive a free ticket to the Women’s Summit, acknowledgement on Women’s Summit material, and special prizes.
  • Submissions are due on April 8th.
  • Winners will be notified on April 29.

Submission Information

  • Accepted file format: pdf
  • Submit camera ready art (300 dpi)
  • To apply, email a pdf of your artwork to with the subject line: CONTEST
  • Submission Deadline: April 8, 2019

For questions or more information, email Robbin Warner at

See You at the Women’s Summit

Postcards4VA is a proud sponsor of the Women’s Summit. We look forward to seeing you there.

ABOUT:  Postcards4VA is a grassroots initiative to flip Virginia blue by writing postcards to friends, neighbors, and voters throughout the state asking them to vote. In 2017 we wrote 137,000 postcards to Virginia voters. In 2018 we exceeded 332,000 postcards. Now in 2019 we’re ready to flip the statehouse blue by reaching out to voters with our handwritten postcards up and down the state. We write. We Vote. We WIN!



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