Upcoming Events
Postcard Party Palooza
September 10-16, 2018
Join our Postcard Party Palooza to see how many parties we can hold in one week. If you’ve never hosted your own party, this is a great time to start. All you need are a few friends, some postcards, and pens. Or find a party already happening near you.
Parties are the perfect environment to write lots and lots of postcards.
Let’s postcard party all week to flip Virginia blue!
For step-by-step instructions for how to list your party on the Palooza map below, click here.
We're up to 74 parties. Virginia has Palooza fever!
42Help Spread the Word
Marketing Material
Use these downloadable logos and flyers to help spread Palooza fever.
Download logo: 400 x 200 jpg | 1200 x 600px png
Paying for Postage
We know postage adds up. The cost of one stamp is only $0.35 and 100 stamps costs $35. But when you write several hundred postcards, paying for postage can become an issue.
People are coming up with creative ways to raise money for stamps. We know of one party where everyone is asked to chip in for postage. Other groups hold bake sales and lemonade stands. And still others buy discounted stamps through vendors on Etsy (click here).
Our friends at Crowdpac (an online fundraising platform) have offered to help postcard writers ask others to chip in for postage.
You create a page on Crowdpac asking friends to help you buy stamps (example). You send a link to those who tell you how great it is you’re writing postcards and wish they could help. Now they can!
Crowdpac has agreed to do the leg work for us. You fill out a short form (click here) with key information and a real person contacts you to help make your page. Couldn’t be easier.
NOTE: We aren’t associated with Crowdpac or receive any money from them. We just think this is a cool way to get others to help.